I thought our readers would appreciate an update on Ebola.
• As of 7 Nov., There have been 13,268 reported Ebola cases in 8 affected countries since the outbreak began, with 4,960 reported deaths. (WHO)
• Spain: 83 contacts of health-care workers have completed 21-day follow up.
• US: 124 of 177 contacts have completed 21-day follow up in New York, following potential contact with Dr. Craig Spencer. Dr. Spencer, who contracted Ebola in Guinea, is in stable condition at Bellevue hospital.
• Mali: More than 108 people are being monitored and have another week in the incubation period left. None have developed symptoms. Mali is also the site of a GSK Ebola vaccine trial.
• France: A UN health worker is receiving treatment for Ebola contracted in Sierra Leone at Begin military hospital outside Paris.
• Médecins sans frontières (MSF) has confirmed there is a decrease in cases in Liberia, with one treatment center having no cases at all. (7 Nov. MSF)
• Infection due to burial is very common (at least 20% of cases). WHO has issued a new protocol for safe burial [http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/137379/1/WHO_EVD_GUIDANCE_Buria….
• About 5 cases of hemorrhagic fever have been reported in Kadulgli town in Sudan’s South Kordofan, according to medical sources. It is not confirmed that these patients suffer from Ebola.