Although supplemental oxygen is an essential element of patient care for a wide range of clinical conditions, it compromises both carbon dioxide and peripheral capillary O2 saturation monitoring methods, making it difficult to detect respiratory depression. However, that issue may be resolved by the development of a prototype intelligent O2 flowmeter, which delivers supplemental O2 at a variable rate, and only during inhalation.
As Joseph A. Orr, PhD, research professor of anesthesiology at the University of Utah, in Salt Lake City, noted, O2 is often delivered during sedation through a nasal cannula, and at a constant flow rate. When delivered at a constant, high flow rate, supplemental O2 interferes with end-tidal CO2 measurement by diluting exhaled CO2. Supplemental O2 also maintains high arterial O2 levels during minimal flow, preventing pulse oximetry from notifying clinicians of respiratory depression.
To address this issue, the researchers developed the flowmeter, which is designed to not dilute end-tidal CO2.
The researchers enrolled 30 healthy volunteers, all of whom were fitted with a nasal cannula containing ports for both O2 delivery and sampling pressure. The cannula was modified to measure intranasal pressure and sample CO2. A semiautomated system administered nasal O2 through the cannula at flow rates of 0 to 10 L per minute, using either continuous or pulsed inspiratory flow. Each flow rate and mode combination was delivered for 30 seconds.
At the start of the testing period, an anesthesia gas analyzer was used to collect baseline end-tidal CO2 values with no O2 flowing. CO2 waveforms were collected from the gas analyzer.
The prototype device incorporated a simple threshold algorithm to analyze patients’ breath cycles, where the start of expiration occurred when CO2 rose above 20 mm Hg and the start of inspiration occurred when CO2 fell below 5 mm Hg. End-tidal CO2 was considered the maximum CO2 value during a breath cycle. The average end-tidal CO2 values were calculated.
“Our demand oxygen system uses a pressure sensor in the naris to measure when the patient is inhaling,” said Dr. Orr, who originally presented his findings at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (abstract A1104). “When this happens, it delivers the oxygen in proportion to the depth of their breathing.”
The observed end-tidal CO2 value when using the intermittent mode on the device was within ±0.57 mm Hg for all flow rates. When using constant flow, on the other hand, the error increased as the supplemental O2 flow rate increased. Indeed, at a constant flow rate of 2 L per minute, the end-tidal CO2 measurement was 5.97 mm Hg below baseline. Not surprisingly, the largest error occurred when delivering a constant flow of 10 L per minute, where the end-tidal CO2measurement was 21.45 mm Hg below baseline. Although statistical analysis revealed no significant difference when monitoring end-tidal CO2 with the prototype flowmeter, a statistically significant (P<0.05) difference was observed for all rates during constant flow.
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