Stipend Analysis Service
In the current landscape of reduced reimbursements, the majority of anesthesia departments find themselves unable to cover their staff’s expenses adequately. This financial deficit leaves two options: either offering a stipend or having the hospital directly employ the staff. Whether you already have an established stipend arrangement for anesthesia or you’re contemplating a revision of the current compensation, Anesthesia Experts is here to assist in assessing the various factors that contribute to the final amount.
We collaborate closely with each client to take into account factors such as efficiency, quality of care objectives, and budget constraints. This collaborative approach allows us to tailor a unique solution for each specific scenario. Drawing from our experience, we recognize that factors like productivity, effectiveness of billing operations, payer mix, operating room utilization, compensation based on fair market value, call duty, and allocated paid time off all play pivotal roles in devising a fair and practical solution that satisfies both the hospital and the anesthesia team.
Ready to learn how stipend analysis can make a difference for your department? Call 660-596-2224 to find out more.
The motto at Anesthesia Experts is “Simply the Best.” Anesthesia Experts employs over 110 anesthesia providers in eight states.