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Employee Manual – Anesthesia Experts, LLC
Employee Manual for Anesthesia Experts, LLC
The Anesthesia Experts, LLC family is happy to welcome you as a fellow employee. We are proud of our Company and what we do. Most of all we are proud of our organization…the men and women whose skills and loyalty have spelled success for Anesthesia Experts, LLC (Anesthesia Experts, LLC).
As a new employee of this organization, you will have many questions and your new job will require many adjustments. This manual has been prepared to assist you in making these adjustments and to tell you and your family about Anesthesia Experts, LLC.
The Personnel Manual is designed to serve as a reference source of information about Anesthesia Experts, LLC, personnel policies and procedures. Further, it is designed as a form of orientation for new personnel. Not all the information contained in this Manual is applicable to each employee. At the same time, it is not possible to include in the Manual policies or procedures to cover every personnel action. The Manual cannot serve as a substitute for exercising professional judgment. Anesthesia Experts, LLC expects all employees to adhere to all applicable elements of its Compliance Program.
Throughout this booklet you are continually referred to your immediate Chief of Anesthesia. Please feel free to consult him or her if you should have any questions relating to work problems or any material in this Manual. He or she is not only interested in the job you do for Anesthesia Experts, LLC; they are also interested in you as a person.
Remember, a question can be answered only if raised, so don’t carry your question within you; rather bring it up immediately in a discussion with your Chief.
Job satisfaction is important to all of us. It can be accomplished only by your best efforts, goodwill, and cooperation among our employees.
In the long run, the only real measure of our success is how well we will satisfy our “real bosses” the surgeons, OR staff and the hospital’s administration. It is up to all of us to do our part.
As an employee of Anesthesia Experts, LLC. we hope our association will be a long and pleasant one, but it should be understood that you have the right to terminate your employment at any time. Anesthesia Experts, LLC. also reserves the right to terminate your employment for any reason at any time. The terms for termination are written in your Employee Contract that you have signed. While this Manual is intended to clarify matters relating to your employment, it is not a contract or guarantee of employment. The employee’s relationship with the company is employment-at-will.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC. reserves the right to unilaterally modify or omit any part of this manual without prior notice. However, it is our intent to communicate to you any modifications to this policy manual. The statements of policy contained in this manual may not be amended orally, but may only be modified in writing signed by the representative, and authorized by Anesthesia Experts, LLC.
Rules and regulations stand by us like friends-they protect us and safeguard our welfare. The orderly, efficient, and safe operation of the business requires that employees maintain discipline and proper standards of conduct at all times.
For these reasons Anesthesia Experts, LLC. sets forth the following rules, which, together with observing all other proper standards of conduct, employees are, required to follow.
The Company reserves the right to take disciplinary action up to and including discharge for conduct by an employee who violates any of the following rules or does not maintain at all times proper standards of conduct as determined by the Management of the Company.
You are expected to report for work on time, on a regular basis. Unnecessary and/or excessive absenteeism or tardiness is expensive, disruptive, and places an unfair burden on other employees and your Chief of Anesthesia.
Unsatisfactory attendance, including continual lateness, will result in disciplinary action that may include discharge at the discretion of the Company. Unsatisfactory attendance will also have an adverse affect on any promotional consideration.
If you are going to be absent or late for any reason, telephone your Chief of Anesthesia as far in advance of your starting time as possible. Explain why you are going to be absent or late and when you expect to be in to work. It is your responsibility to ensure that proper notification is given. Asking another employee, friend, or relative to give this notification is not considered proper except under emergency conditions. The Company requests a doctor’s note for absence due to illness of 2 or more days. Appointments are to be scheduled during non-working hours or as late in the afternoon as possible except in case of emergency. A doctor’s statement may be required for time missed due to a doctor’s appointment. Two (2) unexcused absences will result in discipline and/or dismissal. Failure to call or misrepresentation of your reasons for being absent, tardy, or leaving early is not acceptable and may be grounds for dismissal.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC. , in accordance with Federal Compliance Guidelines, makes inquiries to the appropriate agencies, including the HHS/OIG Cumulative Sanctions Report and the GSA List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-Procurement Program, to verify that no employee has been convicted of an offense which would trigger an exclusion from federal program participation.
The exact amount is listed in your Employee Contract. Employee compensation will be determined by many factors and some of these include employee job performance, employee ability to work well with others, employee attitude, employee compliance with the Compliance Program, and general state and economy of the Company.
Compensation is a PRIVATE matter between the employee and the Management and is not to be discussed at any time with any other employee. Failure to comply with this policy of non-disclosure may result in disciplinary action including termination.
It is the policy of Anesthesia Experts, LLC to ensure that all employees comply with the Company Compliance Program, Anesthesia Experts, LLC’s policies and procedures, Anesthesia Experts, LLC’s Standards of Conduct and all other applicable legal standards. If a concern should arise related to the Compliance Program the employee should contact Director of Compliance Derek Clemens. In addition, reports may be made to Anesthesia Experts, LLC’s Compliance Phone Reporting Line at (660) 221-5948 at any time. Reports will be treated confidentially to the extent reasonably possible.
Disclaimer: The use of this progressive disciplinary system is discretionary and it does not supersede the fact that Anesthesia Experts, LLC. remains an at will employer.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC. expects all employees to follow the policies and procedures documented in the Compliance Program. In the event an employee fails to meet the expectations of the Company, the following steps will occur:
For occurrences that do not warrant immediate termination or an immediate written warning, employees will be given a verbal warning to correct the misconduct or violation.
In the event the verbal warning is not sufficient to the offense, or if the verbal warning has not been heeded, the employee will be given a written warning to correct the misconduct or violation. If the verbal warning was issued and a written warning is necessary, the employee may be demoted, may receive a salary decrease, or may be placed on training at the discretion of the Company.
In the event a written warning is not sufficient to the offense, or if the written warning has not been heeded, the employee may be terminated, may be demoted, may receive a salary decrease, or may be placed on training at the discretion of the Company.
Upon reaching this final stage, an employee shall be discharged for any repeated offense or violation or combination of offenses thereof.
This warning system does preclude a discharge for serious offenses as determined by Management.
Employees are forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages or use any controlled substance (other than prescribed medication) on Anesthesia Experts, LLC. premises. Employees are forbidden to keep alcoholic beverages or any controlled substances in their desks or other areas where personal belongings are stored.
Submission to alcohol and drug testing is mandatory when your Chief of Anesthesia has “reasonable suspicion” of present impairment.
It is important to keep all information obtained from the patients’ records in the “strictest confidence.” A discussion of confidential information with anyone other than an authorized person in the office, for reasons other than office purposes, will be considered an invasion of privacy and grounds for termination. Likewise, it is important not to leave confidential information on desks at the end of the day or while a visitor is in the office which would allow unauthorized access to patient information.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC expects all employees to conduct themselves in an honorable fashion. Honesty is an important company attribute. Therefore, any misrepresentation of facts or falsification of records, including personnel records, medical records, leaves of absence documentation or the like will not be tolerated. The same honesty standard applies to any company investigation. Any violations will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Horseplay and practical joking can result in serious injuries or death; therefore, anyone engaging in horseplay or practical joking will be subject to discipline and possible dismissal.
It is the responsibility of all employees to help the Company assure that our office remains a clean, comfortable, and safe place to work. A clean work area makes for a more pleasant and safer working environment. Employees are asked to keep all of their immediate areas and Operating Rooms neat and clean.
While it is not the intent of Anesthesia Experts, LLC. to take issue with the smoking preference of individuals, smoking in the work place is a matter of continuing concern to many employees. All of our hospitals are part of a non-smoke campus so smoking is prohibited while on the campus.
Employees are forbidden to bring any type of weapon such as knife, hand gun, etc. into the office. Submission to personal belongings search is mandatory when Chief of Anesthesia has reasonable cause or suspicion.
It is the policy of Anesthesia Experts, LLC to abide by both the letter and spirit of the law in all aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Act prohibits discrimination in all employment practices, including job application procedures, hiring, firing, advancement, compensation, training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. It applies to recruitment, advertising, tenure, layoff, leave, fringe benefits, and all other employment-related activities.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC prohibits all discrimination against “qualified individuals with disabilities.” This includes applicants for employment and current employees. An individual is considered to have a “disability” if he/she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment. We also forbid discrimination against a person because they have a known association or relationship with an individual with a disability.
We consider a qualified individual with a disability as a person who meets legitimate skill, experience, education, or other requirements of an employment position that he/she holds or seeks.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC does consider mitigating measure when determining whether or not an individual is disabled under the ADA. In other words, the existence of impairment does not necessarily equate to a disability. The impairment must be substantially limiting, and a mitigated impairment is not substantially limiting. Conversely, the use of a mitigating measure does not automatically bar an individual from ADA protection. An individual may still be substantially limited despite the mitigating measure, or the individual may be regarded as being substantially limited.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC will not ask or require a job applicant to take a medical examination before making a job offer. Except under lawful circumstances, we will not make any pre-employment inquiry about a disability or the nature or severity of a disability. But we may ask questions about the ability to perform specific job functions and may, with certain limitations, ask an individual with a disability to describe or demonstrate how he/she would perform these functions.
We will condition our job offer on the satisfactory result of a post-offer medical examination or medical inquiry, when this is required of all entering employees in the same job category. We reserve the right to use a post-offer medical examination to disqualify an individual if it demonstrates that the individual would pose a “direct threat” in the workplace (i.e., a significant risk or substantial harm to the health or safety of others) that cannot be eliminated or reduced below the “direct threat” level through reasonable accommodation.
We also retain the right to conduct employee medical examinations where there is evidence of a job performance or safety problems, as required by other federal laws, to determine current “fitness” to perform a particular job, and on a voluntary basis as part of employee health programs.
Information from all medical examinations and inquiries will be kept apart from general personnel files as a separate, confidential medical record, available only under limited conditions.
Tests for illegal use of drugs are not medical examinations under the ADA and are not subject to restrictions of such examinations. We reserve the right to conduct them according to Company policy and current federal, state, and local laws.
If an employee feels that he/she as been subjected to discrimination based on a disability by this Company, a vendor, a customer, etc., the employee may file a complaint with the Personnel department.
Our established attendance and leave policies will be uniformly applied to all employees, regardless of disability. We will not refuse leave needed by an employee with a disability if other employees get such leave. We may also make adjustments in leave policies as a reasonable accommodation, and all our leave policies will integrate with the Family and Medical Leave Act.
This Company provides all of its employees, including employee with disabilities, with the opportunity to participate in training to improve job performance and for career advancement. Anesthesia Experts, LLC will not deny training opportunities because they may require that we make reasonable accommodations to the training process or facility for employees with disabilities, unless accommodation would create an undue hardship.
The Company is dedicated to protecting the rights provided to individuals with disabilities by the ADA. Accordingly, no one in a position of responsibility will retaliate against anyone who asserts the rights provided by the ADA or any state human rights laws. And all disability bias claims will be judged on a case-by-case basis.
The only verification that will be released without your approval is date(s) of employment, last work location and last position title. Such information will be released in response to valid requests to verify your employment for business references or credit purposes. With your written approval and at our discretion, Anesthesia Experts, LLC. will release your current or final salary and a two-year job chronology. This policy applies to all current and former employees.
As a matter of company policy, we have pledged that we will not discriminate against any employee or applicant with respect to hiring, promotion, compensation, fringe benefits, discharge, discipline, or other aspects of employment because of sex, race, religion, color, age, marital status, or national origin. The philosophy is in line with the Company’s objective of getting the best possible people for each of our jobs. This policy extends also the employment of qualified handicapped individuals.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC. expects the highest professional standards in all of your activities. This will guarantee the service and the dependability our patients have come to expect. The work of Anesthesia Experts, LLC., often involves personal knowledge about our patients and their families. All necessary safeguards must be maintained to protect our patient’s privacy. Signing the acknowledgment of receipt of this manual constitutes acceptance of responsibility for confidentiality.
The employee’s first three months of employment are considered a training period. If it is determined that the employee’s performance at any time during the three month period does not meet the established standard of the job, the employee can be dismissed and the termination notice listed in the Employee Contract usually given a regular employee will not apply. At the end of the training period if it is determined the employee’s progress has been satisfactory, the employee is considered a regular employee, unless they have been hired on a temporary basis.
Thereafter periodic reviews are given, but at a minimum on an annual basis. Job performance reviews are designed to provide feedback on the employee’s performance in relation to the expected output of the employee’s job and to aid your supervisor in discussing your job performance. This rating also serves as an objective basis for salary adjustment recommendations. The factors we will review will include such things as they relate to your job description including:
- The quality of your work
- The amount of work you are accomplishing
- Your knowledge and skill of your job
- Your initiative
- Education, experience, and certification
- Your dependability
- Your attitude toward your work and fellow employees
- Your attendance
- Your compliance with the Compliance Program
Any employee who was hired to work 40 hours per week is considered full time. Employees working less than 35 hours per week are considered part time. Part time employees are not eligible for company benefits.
It is the desire of the company to deal fairly with complaints, grievances, problems or misunderstandings of any employee when such matters affect their ability to work properly. If there is something about your job that is bothering you, bring it out in the open. We will make every effort to straighten out the problem. You are encouraged to first contact your supervisor to discuss any problems. If your Chief of Anesthesia cannot resolve the matter to your satisfaction, put the complaint in writing and submit it to the Chief Executive Officer. There will be no recrimination if you do so and there will be a full discussion of your complaint at the earliest possible time.
The final resolution of any complaint will be made by Management, and be conclusively binding on all parties.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC. believes in respecting the dignity of every employee and expects every employee to show respect for all of our colleagues, customers, and other contacts. Anesthesia Experts, LLC. is committed to providing a work environment that is free of unlawful discrimination, including sexual harassment. Anesthesia Experts, LLC. will not tolerate any form of harassment that violates this policy. This policy shall apply to all employees.
For the purposes of this policy, sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:
- Submission to such conduct is and either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment.
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or
- Such conduct has the purpose of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment
Sexual harassment further includes the continual or repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature including sexually explicit statements, sexually suggestive objects or pictures, or sexually degrading words used to describe the employee. This policy also forbids harassment based on gender regardless of whether the offensive conduct is sexual in nature. Any unwelcome conduct based on gender is also forbidden by this policy regardless of whether the individual engaged in harassment and the individual being harassed are of the same or are of different genders.
All reports of sexual harassment will be promptly and thoroughly investigated. In investigating and in imposing any discipline, Anesthesia Experts, LLC. will attempt to preserve confidentiality to the extent that the needs of the situation permit.
Any employee, supervisor, or manager who is found, after appropriate investigation, to have engaged in harassment of another employee will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action depending upon the circumstances, up to and including termination.
This policy is intended to protect all employees. If it is shown that an employee has knowingly and intentionally falsely accused another employee of harassment, this will result in the same disciplinary action applicable to one found guilty of sexual harassment.
Reports or alleged sexual harassment should be made and handled in accordance with the following procedures:
- If you feel you have experienced or witnessed any conduct that is inconsistent with this policy, you are to immediately notify your Chief of Anesthesia.
- All reports describing conduct that is inconsistent with this policy will be investigated promptly. Anesthesia Experts, LLC. may put reasonable interim measures in place, such as a leave of absence or a transfer, while the investigation takes place. Anesthesia Experts, LLC. will take further appropriate action once the report has been thoroughly investigated. That action may be a conclusion that a violation occurred, as explained immediately below. Anesthesia Experts, LLC. might also conclude, depending on the circumstances, whether or not a violation occurred.
- If an investigation reveals that a violation of this policy or other inappropriate conduct has occurred; Anesthesia Experts, LLC. will take corrective action, including discipline up to and including dismissal, as is appropriate under the circumstances regardless of the job positions of the parties involved. Anesthesia Experts, LLC. may discipline an employee for any inappropriate conduct discovered in investigating reports made under this policy, regardless of whether the conduct amounts to a violation of law or even a violation of this policy. If the person who engaged in harassment is not employed by Anesthesia Experts, LLC., then Woodward Anesthesia Services, LLC. will take whatever corrective action is reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC. believes in respecting the dignity of every employee and expects every employee to show respect for all of our colleagues, customers, and other contacts. Anesthesia Experts, LLC is opposed to and prohibits any employee from harassing another employee or any other individual on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, citizenship, or disability. Prohibited harassment includes ethnic or racial slurs, discriminatory “jokes” or other statements or conducts which interfere with an employee’s work performance or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
Reports of alleged non-sexual harassment should be made and handled in accordance with the following procedures:
- If you feel that you have experienced or witnessed any conduct that is inconsistent with this policy, you are to immediately notify your Chief of Anesthesia.
- All reports describing conduct that is inconsistent with this policy will be investigated promptly. Anesthesia Experts, LLC. may put reasonable interim measures in place, such as a leave of absence or a transfer, while the investigation takes place. Anesthesia Experts, LLC. might also conclude, depending on the circumstances, whether that no violation of policy occurred or that Woodward Anesthesia Services, LLC. cannot conclude whether or not a violation occurred.
- If an investigation reveals that a violation of this policy or other inappropriate conduct has occurred; Anesthesia Experts, LLC. will take corrective action, including discipline up to and including dismissal, as is appropriate under the circumstances, regardless or the job positions of the parties involved. Anesthesia Experts, LLC. may discipline an employee of any inappropriate conduct discovered in investigating reports made under this policy, regardless or whether the conduct amounts to a violation of law or even a violation of this policy. If the person who engaged in harassment is not employed by Anesthesia Experts, LLC., then Anesthesia Experts, LLC. will take whatever corrective action is reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances.
All full time employees that have work their schedule shift the day before and after the holiday will receive a regular day’s pay for the following holidays when they fall on a workday, Monday through Friday:
New Years Day January 1st
Memorial Day Fourth Monday in May
Independence Day July 4th
Labor Day First Monday in September
Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Day December 25th
The time off for the above holidays does not apply to those employees responsible for call coverage.
When requesting a day before or after a paid holiday off, vacation time must be used and requested in advance for those day/days in order to qualify for holiday pay.
Your ideas on how to do a job better, to save time and effort, and to enhance our image are important to us. There may be an easier way to do a job, to cut waste, to improve working conditions, or to improve safety and cleanliness. Let us have your suggestions. We are always interested in improvement and we value your input.
Regardless of the nature of severity, all injuries incurred on the job must be reported to the Chief of Anesthesia at once on the day the injury is sustained. An Accident Report must be filed. Failure to report an injury on the day it occurs may subject an employee to disciplinary action.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC. provides medical and life insurance to all full time employees who wish the coverage.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC. provides an available health insurance plan for all full time employees once they have passed their training period and who are not covered under another plan.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC. offers continuation of health insurance benefits to employees that lose their group insurance coverage due to termination of employment, reduction of hours, to family members who lose coverage due to death or divorce, or to dependents who have reached the maximum age for coverage. Benefits may continue for up to eighteen months following the qualifying event (up to 29 months if the individual is disabled and collecting Social Security.) Family members have up to thirty-six months of coverage. This coverage is at the employee’s cost.
Employees will be granted a 3-day leave with pay in the event of the death in the immediate family. The immediate family consists of brothers, sisters, mother, father, sons, daughters, grandchildren, guardians, or spouse. One day of absence with pay will be allowed for the death of a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or your spouse’s immediate family. Management may ask for funeral pamphlet or newspaper obituary notice.
Whenever any staff member is called for jury duty, they will be paid during the time of jury service, up to five days, at the difference between their regular salary and the amount for duty as a juror or witness. The employee may keep all payments received for transportation in connection with jury duty. Employee serving jury duty will need to provide Summons of Jury Duty to the payroll officer along with receipt of payment.
An employee on jury duty will be expected to work as much of his/her regularly schedule shift as the jury duty schedule permits, to the extent that combined time on jury duty and at work does not exceed eight hours on any given day.
On Election Day, the employees should make arrangements to vote before or after normal working hours.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC. (“Anesthesia Experts, LLC”) will grant unpaid family and medical leave for the reasons specified in the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or according to applicable state laws.
If an employee has worked for Anesthesia Experts, LLC for a minimum of 12 months, and at least 1250 hours in the past 12 months, the employee is eligible for family and medical leave. If the employee is eligible for family and medical leave, the employee is entitled to 12 weeks leave in a 12-month period, according to the anniversary method of calculating 12 months.
If leave is requested for the birth of the employee’s child or the placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care, leave must be taken within 12 months after the birth or placement of the child. Under these circumstances, leave may not be taken intermittently or on a reduced schedule unless the employee has received express written permission to the contrary.
Leave for serious health conditions may be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule when that type of scheduling is medically necessary. If the employee requests intermittent leave or leave on a reduced schedule, Anesthesia Experts, LLC may require that the employee transfer to a temporary, alternative job for which the employee is qualified and that better accommodates the intermittent or reduced hour leave than the employee’s regular job. The temporary position will have pay and benefits equivalent to the employee’s regular job.
If the employee and the employee’s spouse are employed by Anesthesia Experts, LLC, they are entitled to combine leave of up to 12 weeks in a 12-month period for the birth, adoption, or placement of a child for foster care or to care for a sick parent.
In order to prepare for the employee’s absence during family and medical leave, Anesthesia Experts, LLC requires 30 days’ written notice of the employee’s intention to take leave, signed by the employee prior to the date leave is to begin. If, due to emergency or unforeseen circumstances, the employee is unable to provide such notice before taking leave, notice as soon as possible and practical is acceptable. Certification according to the FMLA is mandatory.
If Anesthesia Experts, LLC finds reason to doubt the validity of the certification, it may require, at its own expense, a second medical opinion from a health care provider designated or approved by Anesthesia Experts, LLC but not regularly employed by Anesthesia Experts, LLC.
Should the second opinion differ from the original certification provided by the employee, Anesthesia Experts, LLC may, at its own expense, require that the employee obtain a third opinion. The opinion of the third health care provider, designated or approved by both Anesthesia Experts, LLC and the employee, is final and binding.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC requires recertification of the continued need for leave every 60 days while the employee is on leave.
At the end of family and medical leave, the employee will be returned to the position he/she held when leave began or will be given an equivalent position with like employment benefits, pay, and other terms and conditions of employment. No benefits that occurred prior to taking leave will be lost because family and medical leave is taken. However, the employee will not be entitled to accrue further seniority or employment benefits while on leave. In addition, the employee is not entitled to any right, benefit, or position of employment other than a right benefit or position of employment to which the employee would have been entitled if he/she were not on leave.
If family and medical leave is taken because for the employee’s serious health condition the employee is required to provide certification prior to returning from leave that he/she is able to resume work.
If the employee does not return to work at the expiration of family and medical leave, Anesthesia Experts, LLC will require the repayment of health insurance premiums it paid on the employee’s behalf during the leave period. Reimbursement will not be required if the employee does not return from leave because of the continuance, recurrence, or onset of a serious health condition that prevents the employee from performing his/her job or because of further circumstances that are beyond the employee’s control.
Family and medical leave is unpaid leave. Although Anesthesia Experts, LLC will not require the use of accrued paid leave by the employee, the employee may elect to use accrued paid leave during family and medical leave.
If the employee is requesting leave for planned medical treatment, either for the employee or a family member, after consulting with the treating physician, the employee may be asked to make a reasonable effort to reschedule the treatment so as not to disrupt company operations.
If you are going to be absent due to illness, telephone the Chief of Anesthesia as far in advance of your starting time as possible. Absence due to illness of two or more days will require a doctor’s note upon returning to work. Sick Time must to be used if available for the day or days that you were unable to work due to illness or a doctor’s appointment. You must notify the Payroll Officer that you are using sick time in order to be paid. Full time employees will be allotted one sick day per month of employment up to 60 per calendar year.
An employee may request a leave of absence without pay for personal reasons, including health, based on the following criteria.
To be valid, a leave of absence must be confirmed in writing.
Management shall review and act upon a request, which is received in writing, for a leave of personal reasons, considering the following factors:
- The purpose for which the leave is requested;
- The length of time the employee will be absent;
- The effect the leave will have on the ability of the department to carry out its responsibilities;
- The employee’s position and length of service.
Time spent on an unpaid leave of absence of over 5 days, except a military and health leave absence, will not be counted as time employed in determining an employee’s eligibility for benefits that accrue on the basis of length of employment. All paid benefits will cease after a period longer than 5 days leave of absence, except for military and health absence or the application of COBRA benefits. Upon returning to work the paid benefits will be reinstated using the same methods, which apply to a new employee. A leave of absence is a legal and binding contract and is an agreement between the employee and the Company, which specifies an unpaid absence for a specific period of time.
All employees may receive a temporary leave of absence, without pay, for military services. Employees are entitled to re-employment if the leave is less than four years or in the case of an active duty military assignment that has been extended at federal request, more than four years.
Though Anesthesia Experts, LLC. is concerned about your welfare, advances on your paycheck, for any reason, will not be considered.
Employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis. The workweek begins on Sunday and ends on the following Saturday. The regular payday is Friday. If the payday falls on a company holiday, the payday will be on Thursday. Any inquiries regarding your payroll checks are to be directed to the Payroll Officer. At no time is an employee to discuss salary with another employee. Any such action could result in disciplinary action and including dismissal. Terminated/inactive employees may be required to personally receive their final paychecks to settle any pending matters, if any.
Social Security, Medicare, federal withholding and state withholding are required deductions. If you are a participant in the 401 (k) pension plans, you will also have a deduction based on a percentage of your pay. A deduction may also be required if you requested dependent coverage for insurance. If you so desire, upon written request the Company will deduct extra federal and/or state withholding from your paycheck.
Employees are given sick and vacation time each year based on length of service which is required to be used when the employee misses work due to illness or personal reasons. If employee needs time off due to illness, personal reasons, or vacation they must use any of their paid time available in lieu of “No Pay”. In the event that the employee has used all their paid time then it will be classified as an unexcused absence at “No Pay”. Two (2) unexcused absences will result in discipline and possible dismissal. In the event that Anesthesia Experts, LLC would close the office due to unforeseen conditions beyond Anesthesia Experts, LLC’s control then this will not be considered an unexcused absence. It is the responsibility to turn in a Request Off form to payroll department. If form is not received an evaluation will be conducted to determine type of pay to be used for missed hours.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC, must recognize any Court order deductions from your paycheck. You will be notified should Anesthesia Experts, LLC., receive any such orders pertaining to you. However, Anesthesia Experts, LLC. will make appropriate deductions pursuant to such order.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC. offers a 401(k) option, under which an employee may elect to reduce his/her wages for an additional (employee-paid) retirement benefit. Employee will be provided with a Summary Plan Description, which will further explain the plan.
All employees are expected to maintain the highest standards of personal cleanliness and present a neat, professional appearance at all times. As a result, employees must always adhere to this written dress code policy. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Our professional appearance is important to the image of the Company, which we leave with our patients and others with whom we deal on a day-to-day basis. We expect all Company employees to use good judgment and taste in the matters of personal grooming and dress to maintain a professional image at the Company’s Office. At the Company’s office, appropriate business attire is required. Types of clothing that do not constitute acceptable business attire include (but are not limited to):
Sweat, jogging, or spandex pants
Plastic or foam Flip Flops
Shorts, dresses or skirts more than 3” above the knee
Off-the-shoulder attire
Sleeveless, low cut plunging necklines, sheer and spandex shirts
Crop tops or half-shirts
Clothing with inappropriate or offensive logos and/or language (such as drugs, sexual, alcohol, politics or religion)
Proper undergarments must be worn at all times
Hats, caps and bandanas
No garments with tears or holes that will show any part of a [person’s skin
All employees should heed the following general hygiene guidelines:
No strong perfume or colognes should be worn to work. Perfume/cologne is not to be applied at work.
Clean hair, carefully groomed and styled attractively.
Daily baths, deodorant and mouthwash.
Employees should not have personal visitors unless permission is obtained. All personal matters should be taken care of before working hours, on lunch breaks, or after working hours. Employees shall not conduct any personal business during working hours. Give family, friends, schools, etc. the hospital’s number to call for all emergencies. Anyone engaging in personal business during working hours will be subject to discipline and possible dismissal.
The explicit purpose of Anesthesia Experts, LLC. is to provide a service to our patients. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to maintain a professional, courteous, friendly, and helpful attitude in dealing with our patients as well as with each other. Give first consideration to patients and their families. Always be courteous. Remember, all we have to sell is our service. The appearance and conduct of the employees are instrumental in how our patients and their patients judge the quality of our service.
- Employees should not work in a manner that willfully obstructs or hinders another employee from completing his/her assigned duties.
- Employees should operate in a manner that is safe to themselves and their fellow workers.
- Personal problems between employees should not be pursued at work.
- Employees should not have personal visitors unless permission is obtained.
It is very important that we have correct information in your personal records. Should there be any changes, it is your responsibility to promptly inform the Chief of Anesthesia of such changes.
Advise the Chief of Anesthesia as soon as possible if any changes need to be made:
Telephone Number
Marital Status
Number of dependents
Insurance Beneficiary
Tax Withholding Information
Whom to contact in the event of an emergency
An employee is expected to exercise due care in the use of all property belonging to Anesthesia Experts, LLC. and to utilize such property only for its authorized purpose. Negligence in the care and use of said property might be considered cause for discipline, including dismissal.
Unauthorized removal of property from Anesthesia Experts, LLC or its conversion to personal use, will be considered cause for discipline, including dismissal.
Property belonging to Anesthesia Experts, LLC. that is issued to an employee must be returned to Woodward Anesthesia Services, LLC. at the time the employee terminates employment, or when requested by a supervisor. The value of any property issued that is not returned may be deducted from an employee’s check.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC. cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of personal property brought on Company premises or parking lots.
All personal belongings are to be placed in an assigned area. Personal belongings are not to be out in the work area.
When conditions, in the opinion of the company necessitate a reduction in the workforce, the Chief of Anesthesia will conduct such reduction.
We expect all of our employees to be safety-conscious and to assist us in finding conditions within the office or in the property that might cause an accident. Report any unsafe condition(s) or injury (ies), however slight, to the Chief of Anesthesia. Failure to report unsafe conditions or injuries could result in disciplinary action.
Fire prevention and control is important for your personal safety and protection of our facilities. Your help is needed in fire prevention. Adhere to all safety rules. Safety is the responsibility of each of us. You should report to your supervisor any unsafe conditions you might observe. All employees must follow emergency procedures in case of fire or tornadoes. If emergency evacuation is required, please follow the posted evacuation routes that are located in each room of the building.
Both you and Anesthesia Experts, LLC. have the right to terminate employment at any time for any reason. In the event you resign, advance notice per your Employee Contract is expected. An exit interview may be held to receive suggestions that departing employees may have for improving employment conditions.
If you leave Anesthesia Experts, LLC., you are requested to schedule a time for an exit interview. You may be asked to discuss various aspects of your job and your working experience with Anesthesia Experts, LLC. You will be asked if you are aware of any potential misconduct and suspected violations of the Company’s Compliance Plan or Policy and Procedures. Information that is gathered during the exit interview is considered strictly private and confidential. One of the major benefits of the exit interview is that it gives us an opportunity to provide you with any information you may want regarding the status of your file and/or benefits, if applicable.
An employee with more than 12 months of service will, upon resignation or termination, be paid for any accrued vacation time. However if the employee does not give the required termination notice per Employee Contract will forfeit their vacation pay. You may not use accrued vacation to meet the required Termination Notice day requirement. The employee will not be paid for any accrued personal time.
Personal communications must be kept to a minimum, both the number of and their duration, and should be made only if absolutely necessary.
Computer usage, E-Mail, and Internet usage are provided to the employees only for the purpose of conducting Anesthesia Experts, LLC business. This policy shall apply to all employees.
This policy establishes Anesthesia Experts, LLC’s requirements for employee use of Anesthesia Experts, LLC electronic technologies including, but not limited to, computers, Internet, telephones, voice mail, and e-mail systems. For purposes of this policy, these types of electronic technologies used within Anesthesia Experts, LLC will be referred to as “Anesthesia Experts, LLC Technology Systems/Services.”
All Anesthesia Experts, LLC Technology Systems/Services are the property of Anesthesia Experts, LLC and are provided to the employee only for the purpose of conducting Anesthesia Experts, LLC business.
The contents of Anesthesia Experts, LLC’s Technology Systems/Services, and all works generated from them, are considered the private property of Anesthesia Experts, LLC. Such contents and works generated are not considered private property of the employee.
All Anesthesia Experts, LLC Technology Systems/Services will be used primarily for Anesthesia Experts, LLC business purposes. Personal use of the above mentioned systems would be at the discretion of the employee’s Chief of Anesthesia.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC reserves the right to monitor, review, log, or inspect an employee’s use of all Anesthesia Experts, LLC Technology Systems/Services and to disclose the contents thereof to third parties with or without notice of the employee.
All employees will be required to use and safeguard passwords and other security measures for obtaining access to Anesthesia Experts, LLC Technology Systems/Services.
Employees will be required to select and change their password on a regular basis. Employees are prohibited from disclosing their passwords, other than to their supervisor and persons authorized to monitor and maintain Anesthesia Experts, LLC Technology Systems/Services.
Anesthesia Experts, LLC may establish reasonable limits on the space allocated to each employee while using Anesthesia Experts, LLC Technology Systems/Services for their voice mail and e-mail. Anesthesia Experts, LLC may purge voice mail and e-mail messages to stay within the established limits.
The use of Anesthesia Experts, LLC’s Technology Systems/Services by an employee shall serve as the employee’s consent to have his/her use of these systems/services monitored.
Failure to comply with any of the items above may be considered cause for disciplinary action. Other causes for disciplinary action may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Any use of Anesthesia Experts, LLC Technology Systems/Services that could be deemed inappropriate or illegal, such as, but not limited to, being obscene, pornographic, discriminatory, defamatory, harassing or fraudulent. Such use includes the intentional viewing, creation, installation, uploading, downloading, or dissemination of inappropriate or illegal works.
Any unapproved use of Anesthesia Experts, LLC Technology Systems/Services for charitable, religious, political, or other non-business purposes.
Any use of Anesthesia Experts, LLC Technology Systems/Services for the unauthorized copying or distribution of copyrighted materials. Engaging in computer piracy or use of software not in accordance with the license.
Unauthorized access to any Technology Systems/Services.
Participating in chain letters, pyramid systems, computer games, gambling, or any illegal activities involving the use of Anesthesia Experts, LLC Technology Systems/Services.
The intentional creation, installation, downloading, uploading, or dissemination of viruses; files or software containing viruses; or files or software, which would knowingly damage the integrity of Anesthesia Experts, LLC Systems/Services.
Knowingly compromising or circumventing the security measures or exploiting weaknesses in such security measures to allow unauthorized use or unauthorized access of Anesthesia Experts, LLC Technology Systems/Services.
Disciplinary action will be applied at the discretion of management according to the seriousness of the offense and/or the employee’s total work record. Disciplinary action may be in the form of a verbal or written warning notice, suspension from work without pay, or discharge.
Any employee who becomes aware of abuse of this policy should report it to a member of Anesthesia Experts, LLC management. Every employee is responsible for monitoring the workplace and ensuring this policy is followed.
The Chief of Anesthesia has the responsibility and authority to enforce this policy.
Full time employees will be allowed vacation time according to the schedule listed in their employment contract.
Vacation time must be requested in advance and approved by Management. It is seldom possible to have more than one employee in the same department absent at the same time. Unless prior authorization is obtained, an employee may not take more than 2 consecutive weeks of vacation. In the event of vacation conflicts the employee that applied for the vacation first is awarded the vacation.
Employees are expected to take allotted vacation time during the calendar year. Under no circumstances can time off be accumulated from year to year. If an employee misses work due to illness or personal business and has no sick or personal pay time available then they are required to use vacation time when available opposed to “No Pay”.
In the event that employment is terminated for any reason after a full year of service the employee will be paid for unused vacation time, provided they give at least the necessary termination notice listed in their Employment contract. No paid vacation will be considered for any person having less than one full year of continuous service at the time of termination of employment.
In the event of severe weather that may affect the safety, health, or access to the office, the Chief of Anesthesia will have final authority to make the decision to close the office.
If weather conditions call for an Early Release employees will be paid their normal salaries.
A workweek consists of five working days, Monday through Friday unless on call. Variations to this rule may be made in your schedule to provide adequate call coverage. Call coverage might increase or decrease due to changes in employment staffing.
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Healthcare Fraud and Abuse