METHODS: After Institutional Review Board waiver and approval of the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia’s research and quality and safety committees, an electronic e-mail questionnaire was sent to the Society’s physician, nontrainee members and consisted of questions specific to provider use of protective lead shielding, the routine use of dosimeters, and demographic information. Univariate analyses were performed using the Wilcoxon rank sum test for ordinal variables, the Fisher exact test for categorical variables, and the Spearman test to analyze correlation between 2 ordinal variables, while a proportional odds logistic regression was used for a multivariable ordinal outcome analysis. P values of <.05 were considered statistically significant.
RESULTS: Twenty-one percent (674/3151) of the surveyed anesthesiologists completed the online questionnaire. Radiation exposure is ubiquitous (98.7%), and regardless of sex, most respondents were either concerned or very concerned about radiation exposure (76.8%); however, women were significantly more concerned than men (proportional odds ratio, 1.66 [95% confidence interval, 1.20–2.31]; P = .002). Despite this and independent of sex, level of concern was not associated with use of a radiation dosimeter (P = .85), lead glasses (odds ratio, 1.07 [95% confidence interval, 0.52–2.39]; P = 1.0), or a thyroid shield (P = .12). Dosimeters were rarely (13%) or never used (52%) and were mandated in only 28.5% of institutions. Virtually none of the respondents had ever taken a radiation safety course, received a personal radiation dose report, notification of their radiation exposure, or knew how many millirem/y was considered safe. Half of the respondents were female, and while pregnant, 73% (151/206) tried to avoid radiation exposure by requesting not to be assigned to cases requiring x-rays. These requests were honored 78% (160/206) of the time.
DISCUSSION: Despite universal exposure to ionizing radiation from x-rays, pediatric anesthesiologists do not routinely adhere to strategies designed to limit the intensity of this exposure and rarely work in institutions in which a culture of radiation safety exists. Our study highlights the need to improve radiation safety education, the need to change the safety culture within the operating rooms and imaging suites, and the need to more fully investigate the utility of dosimeters, lead shielding, and eye safety measures in pediatric anesthesia practice.
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