Monitoring of neuromuscular function recovery using quantitative methods improves patient outcome
However, the application of quantitative monitoring is infrequent, in part because current devices are complex and application is time consuming
What This Article Tells Us That Is New:
A new generation of quantitative monitoring using three-dimensional acceleromyographic technology, the TOFscan (Drager Technologies, Canada), has been developed that requires minimal setup for intraoperative use
TOFscan measures the recovery of neuromuscular function with good agreement to an existing device, the TOF-Watch SX (Organon, Ireland), which requires preload application, calibration, and normalization
Background: Quantitative neuromuscular monitoring is required to ensure neuromuscular function has recovered completely at the time of tracheal extubation. The TOFscan (Drager Technologies, Canada) is a new three-dimensional acceleromyography device that measures movement of the thumb in multiple planes. The aim of this observational investigation was to assess the agreement between nonnormalized and normalized train-of-four values obtained with the TOF-Watch SX (Organon, Ireland) and those obtained with the TOFscan during recovery from neuromuscular blockade.
Methods: Twenty-five patients were administered rocuronium, and spontaneous recovery of neuromuscular blockade was allowed to occur. The TOFscan and TOF-Watch SX devices were applied to opposite arms. A preload was applied to the TOF-Watch SX, and calibration was performed before rocuronium administration. Both devices were activated, and train-of-four values were obtained every 15 s. Modified Bland–Altman analyses were conducted to compare train-of-four ratios measured with the TOFscan to those measured with the TOF-Watch SX (when train-of-four thresholds of 0.2 to 1.0 were achieved).
Results: Bias and 95% limits of agreement between the TOF-Watch SX and the TOFscan at nonnormalized train-of-four ratios between 0.2 and 1.0 were 0.021 and −0.100 to 0.141, respectively. When train-of-four measures with the TOF-Watch SX were normalized, bias and 95% limits of agreement between the TOF-Watch SX and the TOFscan at ratios between 0.2 and 1.0 were 0.015 and −0.097 to 0.126, respectively.
Conclusions: Good agreement between the TOF-Watch SX with calibration and preload application and the uncalibrated TOFscan was observed throughout all stages of neuromuscular recovery.
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